Triphala Organic Powder 100g


Triphala Organic Powder 100g 

Fresh Mantra Organics

Organic Triphala  Powder (Churna)
Sanskrit Name:Triphala
English Name: Three Fruits

Botanical Name: Emblica officinalis, Terminalia Chebula & Terminalia Belerica
Ayurvedic Energetics:V=P=K=
An Ayurvedic formula created by Ayurvedic Practitioners thousands of years ago, Triphala is mild, non-habit forming, and a rejuvenative.
A blend of three herbs, Triphala is considered a ‘tridoshic rasayana’, having balancing and rejuvenating effects on the three constitutional elements that govern human life: Vata, Pitta and Kapha

Triphala, one of the most valuable herbal preparations in the world, as per a popular folk saying in India, “No mother? Don’t worry so long as you have Triphala”, for taking care of human body, like a mother cares for her children.
Amalaki (Emblica Officinalis), a rejuvenator and a strong natural anti-oxidant helps boosting the immune system. It is the highest known natural source of vitamin C; having 20 times the vitamin C, as in orange.
Haritaki (Terminalia Chebula) the Tibetan “king of medicine”, a classic heart-brain-longevity tonic, is often depicted in the extended palm of the Buddha.
Bibhitaki (Terminalia Belerica) a powerful rejuvenative that reduces liver and heart disease, also improves the voice, vision and promotes the growth of hair.

So, to sum it up!

  • A natural internal cleasner
  • Maintaisn Regularity
  • Assist to nourish and rejuvenate the tissues
  • Aids healhty digestions and absorption
  • supports the digestive and respiatory system
  • Natural antioxidant

♥ Made with 100% certified Organic Herb.
♥ No Heavy Metals.
♥ No Added Artificial Flavours.
♥ No Chemical preservatives.
♥ No Pesticides.
♥ No genetically Modified Crop Material used.

*All information provided on this website is for informational purposes only, Please seek professional advice before commencing any treatmen